Spring Art Shows

So excited to tell that I will be in two group art shows in April 2021. Due to the lockdown, they are virtual shows.

I have 5 paintings in The Art Guild of Scaborough’s art show which can be viewed at AGS Spring Show.

Three of my paintings are online at the Dynasty Watercolour Association’s ‘Spectacle’ 2021 Art Show. Please goto DWA 2021 Art Show.

Enjoy the online shows.

Paper Making

I am having fun paper-making these few days. I used so many rice paper to practice Chinese calligraphy that I don’t feel like to recycle them by putting them in the blue box. So I decided to give them a new life. The process is therapeutic and the results are amazing! Please see photos in my “3Rs arts and crafts” page.

The Lockdown

I sort of love and hate Internet Technology. I love it because the various app’s enable me to keep my contacts with my friends and relatives around the world during the lockdown, albeit virtually. I am also able to share my art works with art lovers despite the closure of galleries. As well, I get to watch and listen to some good movies, shows and concerts through some social media without travelling. However, our 5 senses are still not satisfied. We need to see, to hear, to smell, to touch and to embrace something or someone live that actual social contact carries. There comes nature that can bring this satisfaction to us. Luckily we can still take a walk outside and enjoy nature – smell the roses, hug a tree, touch a plant, watch and listen to the birds singing… till we can discard our masks and hug someone! Or visit the gallery to see some great works!

Year 2020

It has not been a good year with covid-19 around, dominating our everyday life! Should be more productive in paintings while staying home most of the time! However, I spent more time in my backyard gardening which I found more relaxing and rewarding (enjoying the beautiful flowers and consuming my own harvest!) I did paint some and they have been uploaded.

Year of the Pig

The last two years have not been too productive because I have been travelling quite often. Wish this year, being the year of the pig, will be more prolific! However, I did bring my sketch book with me wherever I go.  Will share them after I have organized them.

New year reslution

This site has not been updated for a while. It is my new year resolution to update this site with new works to share with my friends and art lovers.